Janusz Lipka, MSc El. Eng.
Membership in professional bodies:
Vice President and Treasurer of the Warsaw branch of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers
Key research:
- Complex redevelopment of public buildings in terms of reducing energy use
Teaching courses:
- Lab. Electrical Engineering - ML.NK317
- Lab. Electronics - NK316 3
- Lab. Electric Machines - NK442
- Lab. Smart Grids
- Recitation classes on electrical engineering- NW113
- Lab. Electrical Engineering (extramural studies) - ML.ZNW113
- Recitation classes on electrical engineering (extramural studies) - ML.ZNW 113
Proposed subjects of a diploma thesis
- Economical use of energy – instantenous reactive power compensation
- Modernization of lab stations in the Electrical Engineering Laboratory
- Developing teaching aids for the Smart Grids Laboratory
- Testing of electrical systems in the Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Most important publications in last years:
- Bielecki S., Lipka J., Palimąka T., Skoczkowski T., Szymczyk J.: "Rozwiązania inteligentnego budynku w rewitalizacji budynków użyteczności publicznej. Krok ku poprawie efektywności energetycznej." Elektro.Info nr 6(115) 2013r., s.66-71
- Oficyna wydawnicza PW 2011 wyd.II "Laboratorium Elektrotechniki dla mechaników"
- Tomborowski T.,Lipka J.,Reszko, „Budynki inteligentne w aspekcie techniczno-ekonomicznym”
- Tomborowski T.,Lipka J. ”Napędy zmiennoobrotowe pomp dużych mocy”
Administrative positions:
- Tutor of the first-year students
- Head of the Electrical Engineering Laboratory
- Head of the Electric Machines Laboratory
- Head of the Integrated Laboratory for Automatics and Robotics
- First-degree Award of the HM Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for scientific achievements in the academic year 2013/2104
- Medal for Long-time Service awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland (2012)
- SEP Silver Honorary Decoration
- Award of the HM Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for didactic activity (2004)
From the first edition of the „Golden Chalk” competition onwards the winner in the categories:
- the best academic teacher (hands-on-lab, projects, seminars)
- the best "Student Friendly" academic teacher.