Basic EPR overview lecture

A lecture entitled "BASICS EPR OVERVIEW" will be organized on November 29 - December 3 at the Institute of Heat Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. The lecture will be conducted by employees of the Framatome company (from Paris), the language of lecture will be English. Classes in the traditional form will be held in room 105.
Monday afternoon, welcome 14h-17h
1 – short presentations and NPP Basics EPR Overview,
2 – NPP Basics Nuclear Steam Supply system
Tuesday 9h-12h 13h30-17h
3 - NPP Basics Auxiliary Systems
4 - EPR Basics Plant Operation
Wednesday morning 9h-12h
5 - EPR Cycle Secondary Overview
Wednesday afternoon 13h30-17h
6 – Fuel rods for experimental reactors
Thursday morning 9h-12h
7 – Safety issues in 3rd generation nuclear reactors
Thursday afternoon 13h30-17h
8 - NPP Basics Plant Operation, continued
Fridaymorning 9h-12h
9 - EPR Basics Main Safeguard Systems
10 – final test
The lecture will also be able to listen to via the MS Teams platform. People who want to participate remotely are asked to contact with Grzegorz Niewiński ( or with Rafał Laskowski (
After writing the final test, you will be able to get 2 ECTS.