Direct liquid fuelled Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell for Energy Security


Project number: G6292


Implementation dates/ dates of eligibility: 1.8.2024-1.8.2027

Entities of the Project Consortium:

Project Co-Directors: Prof. Jarosław Milewski (NATO Project Director – NPD); Dr. Viktoriya Podhurska (Partner Country Project Director – PPD); dr. Oleksandr Kuprin (Co-Director)

Total cost of project implementation/ total eligible expenditure: 341 600,00 EUR

Project description:

The project is focused on the development of a novel type of molten carbonate fuel cell that operates on liquid fuel (LF-MCFC). This unique advantage is rooted in two innovative approaches previously developed by the authors which will be integrated into the proposed new LF-MCFC design. Specifically, the proposed activity is divided into two main sub-projects: (1) theoretical justification and development of a new type of molten carbonate fuel cells, and (2) development of  the chemical composition and methods for applying catalytically active coatings to the bipolar plate, current collectors, and anode substrate materials. Each of these substantial sub-projects possesses a high level of readiness for industrial production.


The research within the project is sponsored by the NATO Science For Peace and Security Programme.

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