IHE / Projects / MOLCAR


Project number: NOR/POLNORCCS/MOLCAR/00-17/2020

Entities of the Project: Project promotor: Warsaw University of Technology; Project partners: Fuel Cell Poland; SINTEF AS

Project leader: PhD, DSc Eng. Jarosław Milewski, Prof. of WUT

The total cost of Project implementation: 6 074 710,05 PLN

Total eligible expenditure: 6 074 710,05 PLN

Funding from the budget of European funds: 4 919 515,29 PLN

Co-financing from the State budget: 868 149, 76 PLN

Dates of eligibility: 1.10.2020-1.10.2023

Project description:

The project is focused on research and development oriented at constructing a Carbon Capture and Storage/Utilization (CCS) system based on molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) operating at flue gas stream, producing electricity and gas “Sabatier ready” for power-to-gas applications. Such a unit can be the key component of energy storage systems which carries into effect the power-to-gas concept. In such systems, the excess electricity from intermittent sources (wind and solar) is used to generate synthetic fuels. Additionally, MCFC aid in increasing the flexibility of operation of conventional power units, especially in the light of the expected frequent shutdowns as centrally disposed units. Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells offer several advantages over amine installations which have an established position in the market. The Project focuses on the concept development, design, construction and experimental studies of a prototype 10 kW-class system with MCFC stack, which exhibits carbon capture in excess of 90% for coal fired power in MCFC (with negative energy penalty –4 MW/kg), resulting in the additional power of approximately 30%. The MCFC stack has a modular design which makes it possible to integrate several of such units to build larger CCS systems. Carbon Dioxide can be later re-used for the production of synthetic fuels using excess electricity from intermittent sources which allows integration of the electrical and gas grids (sector coupling) and which results in higher flexibility and security of energy supply. Thanks to that, the gas grid becomes a energy storage system. The importance of this aspect has to be noted with respect to large scale CCS. MCFC-based systems are built, contrary to other fuel cells which operated only in sub-kW scale.

The Project co-funded from the Norway Grants 2014-2021 via the National Centre of Research and Development.

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3rd dissemination event in the project – Łaziska Górne, 21 March 2024

As part of the communication plan of the project, three dissemination events were held. The last one took place in March 2024 and the members of the project research team were invited to present the project results to the only in Poland power-to-gas plant in Łaziska Górne. During the seminar, organized as a hybrid event, Project’s Principal Investigator – Prof. Jarosław Milewski and the representatives of both Norwegian partner as well as the Polish one, gave presentations on the results of carrying out the project within individual work packages. The event gathered students, entrepreneurs, academics, representative of business and industry - a group of potential recipients of the project technology. Moreover, by gathering some the leading scientists, engineers, and industry experts in the field of the future of CO2 separation technology and its global impact, the seminar became a panel of experts and enabled a wide-ranging discussion.  

All three dissemination events provided ample networking opportunities with key stakeholders, industry leaders, and fellow experts in an environment fostering collaboration and innovation. 

Photo Gallery

Molcar seminar, 13 June 2023, Warsaw, Poland

We're delighted to share the news of a recent significant progress meeting involving Norwegian partners from Sintef, Oslo, in the MOLCAR project - a cutting-edge scientific endeavor seeking to revolutionize Carbon Capture and Storage/Utilization (CCS) systems. The visit hosted by the Warsaw University of Technology was a productive opportunity to exchange insights and progress across several key work packages of the project.

Project seminar – Oslo, Norway – 19 July 2022

On 19 July 2022 in Oslo, Norway, a project seminar took place with the participation of all project partners. During the seminar the results of the research within individual work packages were presented. Additionally, further workplan was discussed. The seminar was open to all interested in the topic who were enabled to take part in the meeting via the Internet platform.

The project seminar is one of the elements of the communication plan. Within the plan two more of such meetings are to be held.

Presentations and photos

Visit to WUT by the representatives of the Committee of the Applied Research Programme

On 8 June 2022 a meeting was held with the participation of members of the Committee of the Applied Research Programme, representatives of the Embassy of Norway, Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Research Council of Norway, Financial Mechanism Office and the National Centre of Research and Development and the research team of the MOLCAR project. During the meeting, head of the MOLCAR research team Prof. Jarosław Milewski presented the progress of research work already achieved as well as he talked about the activities planned for the next months of carrying out the project.

2022 - Zapytania ofertowe

Zapytanie ofertowe dotyczące zatrudnienia na podstawie umowy zlecenia pracownika naukowo-technicznego na stanowisku specjalista ds. modelowania ogniw paliwowych typu MCFC, Zapytanie ofertowe dotyczące dostawy wyciągu laboratoryjnego, Zapytanie ofertowe dotyczące zatrudnienia na podstawie umowy zlecenia pracownika naukowo-technicznego na stanowisku specjalista ds. modelowania mikrostruktur komponentów ogniw paliwowych MCFC, Dostawa pieca laboratoryjnego do obróbki cieplnej w atmosferach gazowych w temperaturze do 1000-1100C

2021 - Zapytanie ofertowe dotyczące zatrudnienia

Zapytanie ofertowe dotyczące zatrudnienia na podstawie umowy zlecenia pracownika naukowo-technicznego na stanowisku specjalisty ds. projektowania stosu ogniw paliwowych typu MCFC.

Termin składania ofert: 23/04/2021 godz. 12:00