Konkurs na najlepszą pracę magisterską i doktorską

Call for Aleks Panek Award Nominations
The competition is divided into the two categories: Master’s theses and Doctoral theses.
Call for Aleks Panek Award Nominations
The competition is divided into the two categories: Master’s theses and Doctoral theses.
Prize will be awarded to the best thesis from each category as follows:
- 1st Place – 1000 € + free conference fee to WSBE conference (in current edition to SBE17 Hong-Kong)
- 2nd Place – 500 €
- 3rd Place – 250 €
A thesis should be focused on sustainability in built environments including (but not limited to) the following topics:
- New buildings
- Urban development
- Innovative construction materials research
- Renovation, modernizations and refurbishments of existing buildings and districts
- Integration of new technologies to improve the sustainability of buildings
- Industrial heritage regeneration
- Other topic addressing sustainability issues in built environment
Further information with more details is available at www.panekaward.org or www.cesb.cz/panekaward.